Wednesday, January 18, 2017

365 Outfits: Week 1

I've started a project for myself this year, purely out of curiosity and "why-not-ness". (I do a lot of things because of why-not-ness) You could call it anthropological documentation, I suppose. Sure.

I'm taking a picture of myself and what I'm wearing every day in 2017! I talked about this in my 2017 goals video, if you want a little more context/explanation. But the concept is pretty straightforward, I don't know what else you need explained.

So here's the first week! It starts on a Sunday, which, sure. Does it really matter which day of the week these posts start?

January 1
First outfit! This is the outfit I filmed the aforementioned video in. I was slightly hungover.

January 2
I don't even remember what I did that day. But my hair was greasy, so I wore a hat.

January 3
Um. Yep. This is an outfit. Don't really have anything else to say about it.

January 4
I've quickly realised that I have no idea how to pose for pictures. So I stopped.

January 5
I hate this work shirt, so I figured I would show you what a monstrosity it is. Because I love myself.

January 6
I have a lot of sweaters. I love sweaters. Sweaters may become a theme in this project.

January 7
First time going to the gym. Trying to remain stoic about it. Also: Look, shoes!

Anyway, if you're reading this, I hope you've enjoyed my first week of daily outfit posts. There will be 52 more of these, so hang on tight! Hopefully by the end of it I'll have figured out how to format pictures better.