What I'm trying to say is that I have money saved up. Quite a bit, actually, which means that I can actually consider buying a nice camera a realistic option! Especially with the Christmas season, which simultaneously blesses retail with glory and prosperity and also makes retail its bitch, coming I'll be able to afford something that nice. That really excites me, because I've wanted a really fancy camera for quite a while now.
My primary standards are that it has to take really nice still photos as well as really good HD video, because eventually I want to enter the world of YouTube, specifically vlogging. Or something like that. And I'm also getting really annoyed with the constant flow of grainy pictures whenever the natural light isn't precisely perfect for whatever camera I'm using in that moment. I'm at a really exciting time in my life, and I'm facing really big moments and milestones, and I want a good way of capturing all that.
For the SX40 (I've already become dangerously attached to it; I'm trying to fight the urge to internally refer to it as "baby") I'm thinking about Costco or BestBuy so far. I actually saw it on the display at Costco, and BestBuy has it for a very similar price. It's a wee bit higher at BB, but it also comes with a mini-tripod. Yikes, I'm shallow.
In other news, I found the perfect Christmas gift for my best friend today! I can't say what it is, though, because she's literally the ONLY person that reads this blog. Honestly, I think she'll flip for it. My mom agrees. I just hope nobody else gets her the same thing. Or, Heaven forbid, she gets it for herself. *runs into all local bookstores and hides all other copies* Oh darn, I gave away that it's a book. SHOCKER.
More geeky and exciting news will be forthcoming soon! I can't put everything in the same post or else I'll have nothing left to talk about later!
This post is brought to you by Spoon, because there was never really any question as to what song I would choose, was there?
so a book, hey? might have to drop in to Mosaic sometime...