I haven't finished it yet (there's simply not enough time in my life these days) but I'm about halfway through. It's exciting, and a lot creepier than her last adventure in historical fiction (I'm talking about the Gemma Doyle Trilogy, you peasants). I'm realizing that her writing style and approach to stories is very much suited to a murder mystery. Particularly when the murder involves strange rituals, a demonic psychopath killer, and the Occult. It's all sorts of awesome, and I can't wait to see how it ends, not only because I want to figure out what happens, but because I know she's going to somehow turn it around and bend my mind into strange formations. Because that's classic Libba Bray. It's just how she rolls.
At the same time, I want it to draw out forever, because it's been so long since I had new Libba Bray material to read. There's something about her writing and the way her brain works that just makes me super happy. She just gets it. Countless times, I've read something she's written and realize she's put exactly what I feel into words. The most brilliant, beautiful, elegant, sharp words that I could never have come up with. Basically, she's everything I want to be in life. No big deal.
As ever, I have a long list of books I want to read once I'm done with Diviners. I was attempting to read Kate Chopin's The Awakening (at the recommendation of my best friend aka flawless feminist badass) before I was interrupted by Diviners, so I'll return to that first. I also recently saw a really interesting-looking book at work, Michael Poore's Up Jumps The Devil, so I'll be looking in to that. Other than those, my priority books to read are probably going to be Watchmen, Perks of Being a Wallflower, House of Leaves, rereading The Hobbit, and maybe possibly some of the stuff overcrowding my bookshelf. I work in a bookstore, for heavens sake; I am in constant frustration over the fact that I can't read all the books I see at work (Ok, maybe not ALL of them... I'm looking at you, 50 Shades. Looking at you through eyes squinted with suspicion and judgment).
I'm thinking I'll probably make another post once I'm finished this book. Remembering my past experiences, I'm guessing it'll be a lot of fangirling and squealing.
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