So for 2017 I'm turning my focus on photography. Learning new skills, working on it as an art, practicing. I'm already aware that I'm a lot more energized by capturing things as photographs than in video. I know that's because of my ongoing design education, and my passion for art and aesthetics. For me, video is more connected to performance, which I am also passionate about. I just think I've been trying to use video too much for what I want to be doing with photography.
I won't be giving up video by any means. I'm just refocusing on what I want to be working on, how I want to document my life, and restricting what I use video for a little.
So wish me luck as I figure out Lightroom!
Besides all these very reasonable, logical thoughts, what really triggered this was stumbling onto Savana Ogburn's work - via an article she did in Rookie Magazine - and just being incredibly inspired. Her art is so dreamy and sweet and crisp and full of energy. She's such a professional and she's only 19! When I started university, I hadn't even come close to figuring out what I'm passionate about - and I'm still far away from it.
All images belong to Savana Ogburn, go check out her site!