Wednesday, March 4, 2015

I'm alive!

Wow. I've been really terrible lately, huh?

Ok, yes. I haven't been blogging. At this point I've actually just given up on Project 365. It just doesn't fit into my life. I'm trying really hard to make positive changes, and enjoying the good things that happen to me. I'd rather be just living in those moments than pulling out a camera and taking a picture of it all. Especially because my life has become increasingly social - it's awkward to randomly take a picture around other people, and then explain that you're taking a picture a day for your blog, and then to have to explain that, yes, you have a blog, but nobody reads it and you really don't need to either. And sometimes, I'm so busy doing things I just forget to take pictures. So that's that.

But I haven't given up photography. I'm going to be sharing pictures I've taken every now and then.

Today, my old friend Haley apparently found my tumblr (the one connected to this blog and my youtube channel) and liked an old post. She has a pretty successful YouTube channel and collab channel, and she's super talented and funny and creative, so it was kind of embarrassing in that way where it makes you want to do a better job, like when you have people coming over and there's a chance they might see your room. It's like that, but also their own room is super clean and cool and just generally better than you - I mean, your room.

She also specifically liked a post I made ages ago saying I would be making more Pride and Prejudice posts, which, you know, hasn't happened. So that's a good reminder to get back on that. I'm dumb.

Fortunately, I've been having more content ideas, especially for videos. My biggest obstacle at the moment is actually time. I just got a job, and we're nearing the end of the school year, and I've been hanging out with a boy. In fact, at this very moment, I should be studying for a test tomorrow, I have to get my load of laundry, and I should go grocery shopping. But, just like now, I'm going to try my best to fit blogging in somehow anyway.

This post is rambly, and badly written. Deal with it?

I've been obsessed with this song recently. I've been obsessed with a lot of songs recently. Thanks spotify.